Poetry and Drawings of Květa Válová

A new book published by the Agosto Foundaton



Poetry and Drawings of Květa Válová (from a photo album, 1953-55), in collaboration with Dagmar Šubrtová and Antonín Petruželka


We are pleased to announce the publication of a new book of poetry and drawings called Básně a kresby / Poetry and Drawings of Květa Válová (from a photo album, 1953-55), in collaboration with Dagmar Šubrtová and Antonín Petruželka and the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

Along with the two sisters in the poem, we wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

Štědrý den

Tichá noc plná krás
přišel k nám děda Mráz
uříznul se z plných plic
holky pro vás nemám nic — lepšího

Jsme jak ty dvě princezny
nemáme taky nic
jsme jak ty dvě princezny —
princezny z Nemanic

Christmas Eve

Silent night, filled with beauty
Father Frost has come to us
His lungs are full, he lets loose
For you little girls, I have nothing — better

We are like the two princesses
We also have nothing
We are like the two princesses —
Princesses of Have-not’s Town

Editorial notes and a few words were provided by Dagmar Šubrtová and Antonín Petruželka, and the book and covers were designed by Hedvika Marešová. The book was printed in a first edition of 300 by Calamarus, s.r.o. We wish to especially thank Marie Vydrová and the Válová sisters estate for their permission.

More on the Válová sisters in our Mediateka.